Monday, November 19, 2012

The Pudu and the Snake

Remembered bits of my dream from this morning. It still felt like it was related to our upcoming Thanksgiving trip, because I was at this house that was like half-ours and half trailer (I peeked into my godfather's room?). There wasn't a whole lot of fascinating details with this one... we were taking pictures and we had a beautiful backyard with lots of pretty autumn foliage. The only interesting part of this dream was that there were two animals present: a pudu and a gorgeous little slate/black snake. The pudu wasn't surprising because I had just seen it on my tumblr dash again yesterday. Technically, I saw a snake, too, but not a slate/black one. I remember trying to convince my family that it was cute. 

Anywho. Today's a semi-busy day because my brother flies in tomorrow. I've got to clean my bathroom and help my mom pick up/bag leaves. That's one of two crap things about living in this area (the other being tons of bugs). I don't mind the leaves, though. My parents do. Especially my mom... which means that often I'm elected for labor. Lol. But I don't mind. I could use the fresh air. And fortunately, it's a bit warmer today... 50 degrees this morning instead of 40... with a high of 66.

I wanted to use this post to examine my dearest wishes. When I look at the list I had created a few weeks back, I realize that half of them revolve around making money to live comfortably and the other half revolve around helping others. Sounds good for this society, right? But if I am to experience the present, and stop worrying about the future, then I need to stop worrying about living comfortably. As for helping others... I mean, I really do want to empower people. It's just that I'm now wondering how I should approach these desires. Do I consciously express them?

Ooh. An interesting thought... what if our desires are what push us along on our "stories"? I was going to wonder: well, what's the point of desire? But when I think about it, where do these desires come from? They have to come from somewhere. If it's all laid out already, then that would make perfect sense. They're the force that persuades us to pursue something. OH. They're forces of darkness - well, forces of change. The only reason we have desires is because we want something to change in our lives. If we had our perfect life, we wouldn't have desires. 

So then... do we pursue these desires actively? Should I continue with my manifestation process and the journaling and the visualizing? For the longest time, I was a fan of "what you send out, you receive." And I still am. I'm just trying to think if this can complement the story theory. 

Let me think back to what Adonai has been teaching me recently... how everything is a matter of vibration, how everything we need for a face of ourselves is printed in the aura - including the blueprint for our "story." If everything's a matter of vibration, then how does this apply to a world whose story is set in stone? Well, think about vibration - or energy - for a moment. Remember when Adonai said vibration is what determines everything, including hobbies, interests, resonance with other people, and so on? What if vibration is part of that system? Maybe it's that resonance that is the energetic equivalent of saying, "This is the right path." Or choice. THAT could make sense. 

I've observed a lot of what I resonated with in the past. I've been able to watch how I moved from one satisfying truth to the next. I received all the right signs at the right time, all the right nudges, impressions, and so forth. All in perfect timing. The path was basically carved out for me, and the resonance is what helped push me along to identify what I felt was "right" for me and my story. It was all already there... waiting for me to find it. The Earth story unraveled as it did just for me to get to where I am today.

And guess what? The same exact thing is happening to billions of people all over the planet. Everything in Earth's past has shaped our present... everything unfolding exactly as Adonai planned.

Yes, I'm dwelling on this a lot. I'm dwelling on it because it's in my nature to ponder life's mysteries, and as far as I'm concerned, the more I dwell, the more I expand my consciousness. The more open-minded I become, and the more creative I become. I have to admit I laughed when I read this from Lulu's end:

"The more I think about it, and recently I've been hearing people saying things like 'oh it was meant to be, oh it was fate' on TV and I just scoff at the notion. I really feel like I'm rejecting it more and more as every day goes on. I wonder where this is leading? I wonder what new perspective I'm heading towards? I tell you one thing though, I'm tired of everything changing. I'm not that interested in seeking out and developing my perspective constantly."

Meh. I'm glad I'm a seeker. Life is meant to be explored...I'd be one miserable chillin if I wasn't a seeker. 

But anyway, back to the original topic... I can see how vibration and universal forces such as change and stability contribute to the Earth story. We have our pre-scripted lives, right? And as Adonai, we decide that we don't want ourselves to think we're not in control... otherwise, that would lead to a totally different story. So we give ourselves illusions: free will, spontaneity, out-of-the-box thinking, etc. As our life unfolds, all the universal forces that we both can and can't see work to tell the Earth story as it was written. But we're blind to them... because they work at a level we can't see. Signs and intuitive nudges and synchronicity. We are mesmerized by such concepts because we still think we have free will, so any time we experience them, we believe it to be significant, or related to our divine purpose. 

It's beautiful, isn't it? Our power as Adonai. There is so much we don't see in this limited skin... and that's very much the point. 

All our desires, all our nudges, impressions, decisions, contemplations... they're all part of the Earth story. What comes in as a "random thought" isn't random at all. Everything affects everything else, because it's a universal story. And it's funny because if you look closely enough, you can see that life is basically telling us this. But of course we don't see it! We don't want to see it. We shut our eyes and look in the other direction because it's a lie - it must be a lie. We have to be in control!

...But we are in control. We wrote this story in our purest form. We just wanted to experience it, too. We wanted to experience our creative expressions firsthand. 

And you know what's also funny? The quote that I found on tumblr that inspired this whole bloody perspective says the exact opposite of what I'm now beginning to see:

 “A plant is not thinking: Tomorrow I will put a new leaf to the north and then next week when it rains I will grow a meter taller. Its existence is just unfolding out of itself spontaneously, naturally, unplanned. Similarly, your true life unfolds in the same way but you are unaware of it because you allow your mind to imagine fanciful ways of being and then pursue your projections. Like this, you began thinking and strategizing your existence rather than simply experiencing your natural being.
We cannot breathe tomorrow's breath today. Therefore, knowing this, leave your existence to existence and start enjoying your cosmic play. Best of all, don’t try to be anything at all. This is a secret few recognize.

Oh, man. Hilarious. Well... even if it does say the exact opposite, it still has something useful to teach: not living life in the future. Spontaneity may be an illusion, but we're still going to buy into that illusion, so we might as well take the advice suggested here and learn to just be. While we're "just being," the Earth story will continue to unfold, delivering everything in perfect time.

Here's one big fat analogy before I head off: nature is pre-scripted. All the cyclical aspects of nature, all the fractal designs, all of the hierarchical systems... pre-scripted. Remember back when I mentioned that fractal geometry determines how trees in forests are arranged? Pre-scripted. And yet there's still the powerful divine notion of creating like from like present in all of nature... reminding us who we are for those whose eyes are actually open to see. 

Now I wonder what will come next...



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