Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Annual Overview

Today was a slow day. The weather didn't help much, either - it's the kind of weather in which you're supposed to curl up inside behind a book or film or some writing/art... but at least it's over now. Six days left.

Referring to the thing about manifestation I said this morning - it happened again. I demanded the garage door be up, and when I got there, it was down. But guess what?

There was a spot available on the second level that was right next to the freaking entrance.

There's never a spot available near the entrance on the upper floors... not at 10 AM. So that's exactly what I mean. The universe "denies" my original request and gives me something better. 

That makes me happy.

In other news... we find out who the president is in a few hours. I know voting in my area ends at 7 PM. It's currently 5:30. I forget when they actually show the results. But I felt kind of... I don't know. It's just that practically all my classmates voted today, and when I was asked why I didn't vote, I couldn't really give a good answer. I just told them that if I did vote, it would just come down to me picking who's more tolerable. 

And I mean - I like Obama. I really do. He has a lot better vibes than Romney, but when it comes down to it, Obama's still a politician, and for the life of me, I can't think too highly of someone who sits down and decides, "I'm going to rule the free world" - unless they're seriously, genuinely trying to make the world a better place. Back in 2008, I was a bit more naive. I was all excited for Obama because he was a big step up from Bush, and I was happy to see someone who wasn't an old Republican white guy taking charge of things for once. Now, however, I realize that there's a lot more to the book than its cover.

Meh. I'll just be glad when this is over. I've been quite indifferent toward politics all my life, so I just don't see the point. Although I'll be disappointed in America if it chooses Romney, life will just go on. And who knows? Maybe if Romney is elected, it'll stir up a crapload of rebellion, and people will begin pursuing the truth.

Anyway. I decided to do another annual reading for myself for 2013 using my Psychic Tarot and Mythic oracle decks. So let's see...

The rest of 2012
Disruption. Oh, that's lovely. Makes sense. Then again, I wonder if this means I'm going to "sectionalize" myself or will hold myself back... because I don't see much "disruption" happening unless it's all energetic/spiritual (I'm going to be at home most of the time). I guess I'll see.

Balance and Thanatos. So balance... but change at the same time? Thanatos I can understand well, because he's representing renewal or transformation here. Moving into a new state of being or new cycle. As for balance, I can't say if this is going to be a goal or an external state. 

Heartache & Loss and Hermes. I've never seen the former in a reading before. Huh. I do admit this is a tad concerning. Then again, this is a mental card, so "loss" can pretty much apply to anything I may be mentally attached to. That should be interesting. As for Hermes... he seems to be communicating movement more than "messages." "Messages" is a pretty general idea. So I'll go with movement. 

Discontent & Boredom, and Hestia. My birth month... this is kind of disappointing. I do tend to get bored a lot, so I do wonder what this will pertain to. As for Hestia, she's comforting to see, because she stands for home and hearth. Then again, she carries fire, and to me, that's communicating passion or spirit, like enthusiasm. Interesting.

Spiritual Union and Themis. Errr wow. That first one. That caught me off guard, because that's a very "romantic" card. Then again, it doesn't have to indicate only romance. Spiritual union can relate to my sense of unity with others and the world. But it'll be emphasized this month, along with Themis, who's associated with natural order. This month is chock full of more balance.

Emotional Withdrawal and Persephone. Spending some time to look inward this month, but Persephone's indicating an awakening of sorts. Me likey. Perhaps that awakening will cause the emotional withdrawal. 

Wisdom and Achilles. Wow. This pairing indicates movement toward one of my dreams/desires. Sharing wisdom and being recognized for it... that's what June's saying to me. Cool beans. (More fire symbolism by the way)

Sacrifice and Uranus. Yeah, that first card isn't terribly happy (the illustration makes it seem brighter though). I find it interesting how Uranus plays into this one, though, since he represents "Father." I wonder if this will relate to my dad, then?  

Choose Wisely and Bellerophon. Choices to make, huh... That's always fun. And an emphasis on humility. Seems like August may be a big month as far as chasing heart's desires go. Oh, jeez. I hope it's not a repeat of October...

Emotional Loss and Artemis. Wow. 2013 is quite the emotional year for me, apparently. And loss. Second time. Although the card associates Artemis with purity, I personally associate her with the hunt. Striking a target. 

Temptation and Cronus. Interesting mix. Cronus here represents cycles... so I wonder how temptation will play into this. New cycles - could that have anything to do with the previous month?

Destiny and Odysseus. An emphasis on JOURNEY and DESTINY. How so very interesting. It's like I'm seeing a new path here... over these past few months.

Stand Your Ground and Ares. Hahaha. What a perfect duo. Lots of battle going on this month. I get the feeling this may have to do with my ambitions... doing what my parents want versus what I want. Again. Oh dear...

Significator (Overall Theme)
Solitude and Gaia. Spending time on my own... self-exploring. An emphasis on feminine/motherly OR nature. Hm. 

Now for the numerology... 1, 2, and 5 came up the most (mainly 2). 1 indicates leadership, beginnings, self, courage, and willpower (appropriate). 2 indicates balance, duality, partnership, choices, reflection, and diversity (also appropriate). And 5 indicates change, uncertainty, realignment, freedom, and travel (also appropriate). 

Ugh. That last one reminds me of Spike/Shiva... 5 is his number. 

Well, as far as growth goes, 2013 is looking good. I should be well-prepared for this "loss," at least. 

Now I'm off to watch Half-Blood Prince. 





  1. :o Interesting card reading for 2013. When reading it, there was a couple of points where I felt uneasy though (is it even a good idea to say that? O_O). I get the impression that a lot of change is coming up but you know what? You're a strong person so you'll get through it *hugs*

    Oh and congratulations on your country re-electing Obama :P

    1. Huh. Why would YOU feel uneasy? :o

      Haha. I would say "thanks" in regard to Obama, but instead, I'll say: yeah, I'm pretty grateful to my country. :P

  2. Hm, don't know, just felt uncomfortable reading it with a sense of foreboding for some reason...
