Thursday, November 1, 2012

Home Inspiration


  1. Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor.

    HOLY COW!!! Those are all so very beautiful! Damn, I can't wait to finally come into all that money I've been getting messages about over the past few years. This is exactly the kind of style that I've been wanting to decorate my home with as well. Thank you so much for sharing these photos! :D

    1. Haha, no problem! I looove these types of homes and I am very determined to live someplace similar when I'm on my own. I figured collecting images will help me focus on bringing that dream into reality. :)

      (But if you get there first I would like to make the request to live with you... lolol)

  2. I'll set aside a nice cozy room just for you ;) Lulu too, if she wants one.

  3. YES I DO! XD Oh wow, these photos are amazing D:. I want this, soooo much too :o
