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"Dream Eater" - by Helen Rusovich |
It's no coincidence that the Luminous job was released now of all times. It just so happens to align with my Crucible plot development, as well as my interest in light versus dark (been exploring the dark lately). Although it's a cliche storyline, I do like what they're emphasizing... the whole "light and dark are two sides of the same coin" thing. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the character and his skills. I'm glad they let us use a mix of light and dark magic instead of having to pick one over the other (although I wouldn't mind being all-dark... heh).
I'm kind of glad that I'm not obsessing over this character, though. That's what happened the last time a really good character came out. In fact, it was exactly a year ago; I spent almost the entirety of my winter break leveling my demon slayer well into the 100s. But this time, I don't feel as driven to spend hours upon hours trying to get all those flashy skills.
Which is well and good, because I keep having to remember that I have gift art to create soon. This is the one thing I can't stand about the winter holidays - gift exchanges. I don't like how we need commercial holidays to encourage us to give to others. We should be giving all year long. I don't like the pressure of having to buy or make something for friends and family just because a holiday says I should be doing it. That's why I wasn't too happy when my closest friend called me up the other day and asked me what I wanted for Christmas - because I knew that meant I would have to spend money and/or energy returning the favor... and all because of this commercial holiday.
And because I have to save my money, the only thing I can give is art, which I suppose is a nice gift because it's more personal and meaningful. But that means a lot of energy spent for me. I'm not saying my friends/family are unworthy of my energy - I'm saying that I don't like how this season has coerced us into thinking it's something mandatory.
I was even thinking today about how I regret offering to draw my brother's new car as his gift. He couldn't come up with something else for me to draw, so I just told him I'd draw his car. If he hadn't already gotten me a gift, I would've just dropped the idea, because I'm not a fan of drawing cars.
I'm kind of hoping that we don't have any other family over because that would mean I'd have to draw for them, too. It's gotten to the point where they expect it from me. Not a very pleasant feeling.
Fortunately, I think I only have to draw for 3 people: my brother, my best friend, and someone on deviantART (secret santa event). I don't know what I'm drawing for my best friend yet; she described something quite peculiar over the phone that I have to admit I'm not too enthusiastic about, but I told her to write it down for me, and she hasn't yet. So I don't know. I didn't exactly tell her what I wanted, either. Maybe it'll slip by unnoticed... then again, I'm seeing her next weekend. Hm.
Crapcakes. I hope that doesn't make me sound like a grinch or something. I'm not against gift-giving. I just don't like how we've all been manipulated into feeling obligated to give on one specific day of the year. The feelings behind Christmas gift-giving are so... artificial.
Speaking of gifts, though - I'm expecting my BoS deck tomorrow. Oh, wait - never mind. It'll probably be here Friday, because it's in New Jersey right now. Hmm. I'm probably going to do another round of card readings to practice with it and my Archeon deck - astrological and annual ones. I finished making a reference sheet today, and I have to say... it seems a lot easier to read with tarot. Haha. I'm curious to see how well I work with them.
I've been thinking about some things, but I'll save them for another post. For now, I think I'm going to finish this episode of Merlin, and then indulge in season 7 of How I Met Your Mother, which was recently released on Netflix. Oh yeah.
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