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by Annelie Solis |
I initially remembered my dream at 7 AM or so, but because I had gone to bed at 1 AM (waiting for my brother and his friend to arrive), I was tired and fell back asleep. Darn. And I think it was an important dream, too.
It's nice to have my brother back around, but once again, I'm reminded that I'm of least importance to him in the family - that I'm a last resort when it comes to communication... unless it regards a matter that I would understand better than my parents. I'm curious to see how he's going to spend his free time while he's here - in my bedroom or downstairs with my parents.
Right now, he's off taking his friend to the airport so the dude can retrieve his car. I also just found out that we're seeing Hobbit today at 1:30. Initially, I had the idea we were seeing it tomorrow... but apparently not. I'm not too sure what to expect, because I've heard great things and not so great things about it... and whether it lives up to LotR. To be honest, though, I'm a little miffed that we're seeing it today because I'm not feeling too hot (lovely lady cramps). Maybe things will improve by one o' clock.
Today's draw is for Time of Beth, representing any resistances and blocks holding me back on my path. I'm a little stumped by the card that came up: The World. While this card does apply to my life and the mindset I'm trying to achieve, I never would've associated it with resistances and blocks holding me back. This card's all about wholeness, unity, the cycle of life, feeling connected with the world... is there an area here that is blocking me?
Ooo. But there's a sense of balance between spiritual and material here, too, because the woman depicted draws from the stars and from the earth. Maybe that's my keyword here: balance. I'll have to stew on this one, because it may be referring to something I'm not immediately aware of.
Speaking of cards... I, uh, bought that Druid Craft deck after all. But for good reason! See, I was sitting there yesterday after having discovered those two nature/pagan decks, and I thought, "Okay, these are cheap enough, and I want them, so universe, if you think now's a good time to own one of these decks... well, let me know."
I go and check my wishlist later last night, and lo and behold! Druid Craft had dropped to $10. So I took that as a "Yes, now's a good time," and made the purchase. The only thing, though, is that it's temporarily out of stock, so I'm not sure when to expect it (thank goodness for Prime shipping though). I should probably expect my mom or brother to be asking what it is when it arrives... pah.
Actually, I'm not sure if my mom knows about my decks. I don't know how she feels about tarot/divination; I'm assuming it's the same as her feelings about "contacting the dead," although I find this hypocritical because we were having a brief conversation yesterday about her "visiting" me when she passes away, and she made it sound like she was really inclined to do so.
My brother, on the other hand, would be more open to my cards. I can see him expressing curiosity over them, making a few inquiries, and maybe showing a bit of skepticism or amusement. But he knows about my spirit/psychic art stuff, and he thought it was cool, so.. maybe he'll feel the same about my cards.
I was supposed to meditate last night, but due to starting my lovely lady time and having my brother drive in so late, that never happened. I guess I'll wait till later... but it's something I need to be doing again. It's just a tad tricky because all my good ideas come to me right before I sleep (specifically for my creative projects). Then again, a few minutes a night isn't too much to ask.
Didn't get so much Winterspell stuff done yesterday; my energy is still "scattered," so the only thing I could do was play MS for most of the day. I'm planning to start writing the scenes I've envisioned to get me started, because I've found that it's always helpful for me to write all my favorite scenes first, despite having them be out of order. Will probably only get to a bit of that today, though.
And last - I'm freaking stoked for tonight, baby. New episode of Merlin. There will probably be a lot of raging (and fangirling) coming from this end. Hahaha.
Off I go then.
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