Speaking of school, one of my dreams was school-themed again this morning. I went to bed last night asking whether my boys are returning, and I'm already seeing signs. The dream I remembered wasn't a huge indicator. I can't glean much from it. But when I began my morning internet routine, I stumbled across three more dragons, and even found this quote on my dash:
"I am here. I am in the present tense. I'm not always here, and sometimes, here is a very difficult place. Sometimes it is a labyrinth, or a Minotaur, or a rope I can neither let go of or follow."
Seriously. Seriously? I have never seen anything Minotaur or labyrinth-related on my dash, and it just so happens that this comes up a day after my labyrinth dream. Pfft. I swear...
In all honesty, I'm happy to see my boys again. While lying in bed last night, I could almost feel Pierre at my side again. I'm intrigued that I'm seeing the most "stuff" from him and not Spike/Shiva. I wonder if there's a reason for that.
I'm slowly but surely working through my readings. Working with the BoS deck is freaking fabulous, although I came across a problem. Because I only worked with Oracle cards before, and select cards in a non-traditional way, I find that working with inversions is pretty tricky. At first I didn't know how to approach them. I shuffled a couple times and just saw what came up... but I'm not sure how accurate that was for the sitter. Then, I just omitted inversions, which was a problem because there was no way for me to tell whether the indication was positive or negative, unless my gut had a good impression. Now, I'm thinking that I should sit with the deck beforehand and ask how many times I need to shuffle so that the cards all line up perfectly. We'll see how that goes.
In other news, my dad is finished not only with his semester of school, but also his weeknights of teaching. I think he has two more days of weekend teaching, and then he's off for break. Although I'm happy he has a break now - the poor guy was freaking stressed - I'm not entirely pleased that he'll be home more frequently, because he's nosy and bothersome and I'm going to have to deal with that mocking energy of his. But hey - maybe it won't be so bad now that he's not stressed to the bone. He's still got to go to his day job, and as I understand it, he took his last free day yesterday, which means no more holidays until the new year (except Christmas and New Year's itself). He can still work from home, though, which he'll probably do a few times when my brother is here.
I've been keeping my eyes on the energies and events associated with the next couple days. There's a planned global meditation for 12/12/12 tomorrow that I'm actually interested in taking part in; however, it's at 9:30 PM my time, and I'm not sure whether I can count on being undisturbed, especially now that my dad will be home earlier. I might have to do a half-meditation. Also, I'd like to see the Geminid meteor shower on the 13th-14th. And to make it better, there's a new moon on the 13th, which means the sky will be darker. Best viewing from 1-3 AM, apparently.
While scrolling through tumblr, I came across a quote that caught me off guard. It pretty much said in a nutshell that the universe wasn't perfect, and that some things can happen randomly or by chance - that people get too caught up in finding connections in things. I had to think about that for a moment. To be honest, I can't resonate with it - at least not right now. Because when you think about the infinite potential of the universe, how everything works in cycles and is so perfectly formed, it's hard for me to believe that anything is "random." I'm sure it's something we like to tell ourselves, because we don't like thinking everything is set in stone, but... is that really the truth? Is the universe imperfect? Given its infinite nature, I suppose it's possible. At the same time, though, there are so many universal laws that govern everything within that infinite "space." Everything affects everything else. So how can something be random?
Is "random" a matter of perspective, too? Random is defined as "having no definite aim or purpose." How are we supposed to know what has a definite aim and what doesn't? Science-minded folks believe birth to be random. Does that make it so? What about the people who think birth is set in stone, like new-agers? People used to believe that the growth of plants on earth is random (many still do), but a group of scientists found this wasn't so.
I just think that... if the universe, as a conscious entity, intended for something to be random, then that in itself is not random. Random suggests there is no purpose. If the universe said: "I want this to be random," then the purpose is randomness. Even still, though, given the highly specific and detailed nature of the universe and everything in it, it's difficult to admit that everything is not connected.
Recently, I came across this article about omens. It basically described how guides are always trying to get our attention through specific events of the day - how messages are are reflected in our lives, bodies, and in nature. It also gave some examples, such as major car accidents suggest a major shift in direction is needed in your life, or that eye irritation suggests there is something you don't want to see. It really got me thinking about all the things that happen in my life that I shrug off. I don't think much about eye irritation, or aches in the body, or the things I see around me when driving (all green lights, etc.). It'd be interesting to make a list of all the various things that happen in my day that I would normally overlook and see how they relate, or what they could suggest.
If that's true, then that would once again emphasize connection in all things. This is actually kind of amusing, because once upon a time, I used to believe in randomness, to a degree. And yet I doubt its random that I ended up here at this exact moment.
Anywho. It might be worthwhile to complete my secret santa gift today - or at least make some decent progress on it. Fortunately, it's a character that I can draw easily: an androgynous male. Haha.
Productivity awaits!
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