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by hoooook @ deviantART.com |
I was a little caught off guard by my dream(s) this morning, because in the first one, I was pregnant with the child of an old friend of mine. I can't recall exactly how I reacted to this, so there's not much else I can glean from this dream. The second one had me in a library or book store. I remember looking through the aisles, and then being recognized for a book I had written. I remember someone asking me what genre it was (or something similar), and I recall saying: "Uh... it has a little bit of everything, I guess."
On top of that, today's Mythic Oracle draw was Persephone, who represents awakening. Persephone's one of my favorite female energies, so I'm happy to see her pop up again. It's nice to know that things are in motion... I've got pregnancy (birthing new projects/ideas; fertility), books (wisdom, life purpose) and now awakening... a new cycle, being reborn, that type of thing. I do admit that makes me happy. I'm just hoping things will become a bit clearer so I know where to center my thoughts.
I spent yesterday playing my Luminous char as well as getting to know my BoS deck. I'm not even halfway through yet, but I think it's worth it. I didn't do any readings yesterday, though, so I'm going to have to do a bit of catch-up today.
Speaking of readings... I was wanting to do one more set of readings - aura portraits - before I returned to school, just to keep me sharp. However, I'm not sure how I'll accomplish this, seeing how my brother arrives for Yule/Christmas at the end of next week. He's staying until after New Year's, I think, so in other words, he's here for a while. I'm not sure how we'll all be spending time with him; therefore, I'm not sure how many aura readings I'd be able to fit in. We'll see, I guess.
The dragon "signs" are beginning to pop up again. In fact, I had to laugh/roll my eyes when checking today's daily deviations on dA, because all on the same page were two dragons, a lion, and a cardinal. In other words, a reference to Pierre, a reference to Leon, and a reference to my totem/animal guide.
I was just looking at my to-do list for winter break and realize that I've really only accomplished a few items from it, specifically:
- Crucible writing and world-building
- Spirit art (although I've only done 6/20 readings)
- Journaling
- Reading
- Networking (to a small degree)
- Diet (also to a small degree)
Part of me says: "Just screw it. Do whatever it is you want to do at a given moment," but another part reminds me that when I don't set goals, I don't accomplish all that much. Well, actually, that's hard to say. So once again, I'm back at the original battle: do I set intentions and pave my own path, or do I just go with the flow and see where the universe/life takes me?
I wish I could have a solid answer to this question, because yes, it's a big deal to me. It affects the way I go about my life. I was thinking in bed last night whether it was possible to incorporate both, bringing me back to the original "balance" idea that I was presented with a while ago.
To go along with this, tidbits of "new" information have been popping up around me. One of them I distinctly recall was from Merlin, while the others were probably on tumblr or something. But they carry one specific theory: that there are multiple realities, or, at least, possibilities for future realities. How true is that, I wonder? Part of me thinks that this is just another theory confined to Earth, but another thinks that perhaps there's some truth to the idea. Maybe that's where the "balance" comes into play. Perhaps Adonai pre-scripted a number of possibilities, and then left itself in human form to see which path it would follow.
...No. There's something not right about that. I feel like I could be on to something, though. Maybe I'll stew on it.
One final tidbit: holy crap. Poor Merlin. I watched the newest episode in bed last night, and sheesh... that poor kid never gets a break. If only Arthur knew all the crap he's put up with. But MORDRED! AGH. I feel like there will be a lot of raging for next week's episode.
Hoping for a more productive day.
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