Ugh. I have so many realizations I want to put down in writing. I fear that - if I don't jot all this down - it'll be lost. Adonai drops some pretty good stuff in my head... solid answers and whatnot.. and I want to remember them.
Huh. Makes me wonder - what if "spirit" doesn't exist at all? What if it's part of the illusion? Angels, spirit guides, fairies, ghosts and the like... what if they are physical manifestations rather than spiritual ones? I get the impression that we are all there is - Adonai or the universe or whatever your preferred term is - and all the "spiritual fluff" is just there as part of the Earth story. I still feel there are forces for light and dark, because that's part of universal balance, but when it comes to what most of society knows as angels, guides, demons, ghosts, fairies, etc., that all exists for the book titled "Earth." To use a metaphor.. think about Harry Potter. JK Rowling defined everything in that world. She established the presence of magic, witches/wizards, trolls, ghosts, dragons, centaurs, and all sorts of other creatures. What if the same applies to Earth, where Adonai established the presence of gods/goddesses, angels, ghosts, demons, fairies, etc? And by "establish," I mean: allowed the characters (us) to interact with these entities. Sure, Adonai created them too, but that doesn't necessarily mean they exist in its "reality."
Adonai is the ultimate storyteller. Just think of all the stories it's written... Like any other author, it's spent lots of "time" coming up with perfect characters, perfect plots, plot twists, drama, humor, mystery, horror, epic climaxes, dramatic resolutions, and so on. Like any fabulous story, everything connects, and usually for a reason. I think it's bloody beautiful. People might hate on this perspective because they don't like the idea of having no control, but that's where I say: observe the bigger picture... you don't like the idea because you think you're small and insignificant. You might now consider yourself a slave, but that's ridiculous. Novel characters are not slaves.
As a fervent writer, I understand this perfectly well. We may "create" our characters, but most - if not all - of the time, these characters are based on us, or aspects of us. They come from our creative energy. And while some may feel their characters are their "babies," they still don't see themselves as superior to these characters. In fact, I'll admit something that helps me write: I put myself in my characters' shoes. I put myself in their worlds, in their situations, to help me come up with new material and to understand how they might respond, behave, and so forth. When I'm alone, I become these characters. While I'm drifting off to sleep, I'll do this. When I'm in the shower, I'll do this. When I'm waiting for food to cook. Et cetera. And maybe this is why such a perspective has come to me - because I can relate. I'll talk to myself as my characters would talk. I play with expression and body language. Emotion. How exactly they would respond to an idea... and so forth.
Stewing on this... technically, Adonai is doing the exact same thing. It's one thing to just write a story. It's a completely different thing to experience the story - even if you are its author. You know something? This is exactly why I want my stories adapted into film. I always said it wasn't about the money. It's about the experience. I wanted to see my work in another form - a form that allows me to immerse myself in the story. And pondering this perspective... it makes me realize that even more.
Films are powerful. They allow us to experience the story more closely than we would if we were reading it. There's only so much you can get out of words on a page, even if your imagination is superb. The same applies to the Earth story. Adonai may have had the idea in its "head" - it may have known the story front and back with all character roles, dialogue, and description completely understood, but that's insignificant compared to living through your characters.
I'm comparing this view to how the world works, and it just makes more and more sense. Earlier I was thinking about the people "in the background." You know... the ones who have been turned into sheep, who go about their lives only caring about the typical aspects of life: school, work, relationships, bills. Despite them living very dull lives, they still have as much of a role in the Earth story as anyone else. Think about all the actions and interactions... everything from buying food from the local market, to filling up their cars, to tipping a waitress, to taking a bath at night. Every little action affects the whole in accordance with the "divine story."
And I also realized: people don't always change. You can sit and preach to someone about living his/her life to the fullest, but they won't take these words to heart unless they're meant to. Some of them ignore what you teach, while others wholeheartedly accept your wisdom, because all is meant to happen as it is, in accordance with the universe's divine story. And hey - sometimes that wisdom is meant for later, in which case it's still in accordance with the story. That happens to a lot of us, in fact... where we gather information that isn't relevant until later.
What would happen if the whole world was aware of this piece of information? Would we take life more seriously? Less seriously? Would we become paranoid? I feel like many people would be trying their hardest to not act in accordance with the "story," but it'd be ironic, because that would be acting in accordance. It'd probably drive many insane.
I think it's time I examine my life, my desires, and my choices and apply it to this perspective. All my desires would be shaping myself into the person I want to be, but who's to say I'm not perfect now? Why am I worrying about the future? What if worrying about the future is only doing me harm?
I'll save that topic for tomorrow's post.
It's interesting to see how we've both got to the same questions "Why am I worrying about the future? What if worrying about the future is only doing me harm?" in completely different ways. This is what I was rambling about in the post-I-haven't-posted-yet actually, but I got to this exact same thought in a different way to you entirely. Awesome. :o
ReplyDeleteI must say, your view on all this is interesting but I'm not going to comment because... well, just because. I think you'll understand :)