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"Strawberry Sky" - by Amanda Clark |
I asked Adonai to guide me to the aspect of itself I should call on in the Fallen Angel deck for the next few days before my trip and received Vapula/Naphula, who is a very philosophical entity. His keyword is command, but the card message advises me to "take control of my life by learning from the masters of my profession." That is tremendously applicable. In fact, that medium I was talking about previously... she said she'd be willing to hold a kind of "mediumship" class via Skype if I could gather a few others who might be interested. I'm not sure if this is something I can do right now, because I'd prefer to be completely alone - not having nosy family roaming the house. I'm not sure when I'll find a day to be able to do that, but first, I need to find a few others who may be interested in such a "class."
(Should I mention that Vapula is associated with the planet Venus? Lol.)
Anyway, the point of this post is so that I can motivate myself to get as much done as I possibly can while on my break. I'm afraid that I'm going to have another repeat of summer, where I have all these goals but only end up doing two things: gaming and spirit art - which I don't regret, of course. It's just that I had planned to improve drastically with my technical drawing skills and work on writing and that never happened. But hey - divine timing, right?
So... this is old school, and kind of cheesy, but I need to do it for myself.
- Spirit art. I need to do at least 20 "new and improved" readings for people either at SF or on tumblr (SF first).
- Gift art. Along with the Secret Santa event I'm participating in on dA, I have a few drawings I'd like to do for family and close friends.
- Crucible writing & world-building. I need to sit down and focus on developing this project out further.
- Figure drawing/studies. I've been meaning to do a lot of this at home, but just got lazy over and over again. My figure drawing - and portrait drawing - skills need a lot of work.
- Meditation. I need to do a nightly meditation - however long or brief - to assist me with my development.
- Yoga/stretching. Now that I'm on break, I need to incorporate yoga or periods of stretching back into my routine.
- Room cleaning. I desperately have to do this. It was supposed to be a summer activity, but yep - I got lazy. I need to dust and clear out the junk I don't need, as well as address the ever-growing pile of artwork in my closet.
- Networking. I need to start being assertive and putting my name out there. I've never enjoyed approaching other people or starting conversations with strangers, but I think it's time I conquer my fear and start putting myself out there.
- Journaling. I need to work on my magic journal/manifestations and my research journal.
- Reading. I need to read more to assist my writing skills.
- Diet. I need to begin eating much more fruit & veggie.
There. I'm probably forgetting a few, in which case I'll add them when I remember.
Oh. I keep forgetting to mention this, but the number 420 has been chasing me for a while. Several days ago I finally remembered and looked it up, and found it was completely relevant:
"Angel Number 420 is a message that you have opening your heart to wonderful possibilities and opportunities to do with your divine life purpose and soul mission. You have a strong and clear connection with the angelic and spiritual realms and are receiving Divine guidance through your intuition, dreams and recurring thoughts. Trust the messages and guidance from the angels and follow accordingly."
Maybe not so much on the "angel" part, but yeah. Completely relevant.
I'm probably going to spend my day playing Sims 3 Supernatural and making considerable progress on my card reading list. I'm trying to save my writing stuff for my trip next week since my dad will be using my laptop. I'll need something to do when I'm not eating or helping people cook...
My brother comes in a few days. I'm pretty excited. We had a bit of a turbulent time growing up because we're so different in personality (me being the unsocial introvert who wants time alone and him being the sociable extravert who wants to hang around you constantly)... but I still love him, and we're still pretty close because we tend to emit "twin vibes" at times. We're not twins - he's actually a year older - but we do look alike and we usually have a good idea of what the other is thinking. Sometimes we have telepathic thoughts. That actually happened yesterday, because I was planning to text him to ask what color his new car is (I'm planning to draw it for him as a Yule gift), and I go check my phone to see that he's already sent me pictures of it.
So I'm pretty thrilled to see him.. especially now that I only see him 2-3 times a year. Last time I saw him was when I went to visit him in Miami back in June.
All righty. A day of chilling awaits me. I feel like I should have math or storyboarding homework to do... LOL.
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