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by cathybluetuesday @ deviantART |
So yeah. I'm not sure what sleeping in trees with a demon is supposed to mean. Lol.
This thought came to me last night when I was working on my Lucifer post for VotS. Lately I've been wondering about my sensitivity and why I've rarely perceived anything externally. Like I said before, I've never seen a ghost, I've never seen any deceased relatives at the foot of my bed, I've never seen orbs with my physical eyes, I've never heard the deceased trying to speak to me, I've never gotten the goosebumps from sensing a spirit in the room, and so on. It brought me to wonder, then, about the whole "checkpoint" theory - where our lives are loosely organized "beforehand." I wouldn't necessarily call it "fate" or "destiny," but something more like purpose or guidelines. Kind of like if you were playing an RPG. You select a character who technically already has a background story, but you still add on to that story by going through the game.
What if the same thing applies to beliefs? And by that, I mean, what if it's pre-programmed? Is that what some people mean by coming full circle? I just... I look at my path, and even though I can connect to aspects of spirit through intention, they rarely approach me first. So in other words, since I never experienced the separation of spirit in my youth (like seeing ghosts and whatnot), did that basically suggest that I would never have the need to experience it because separation wouldn't resonate or apply to me later on?
I mean, there was a short period of time (a couple years) where I did resonate with it, only because that's how I was taught. I was new to spirituality and assumed it was absolute because of all the "general" information people passed around. But that was only 2-3 years. Some people live their whole lives immersed in separation of spirit. That's why I once again use the example of most - if not all - mediums, who have had some kind of encounter with a ghost or spirit in their younger years that paved the way for the rest of their lives. Because they experienced it in childhood, those experiences were basically outlining a pre-programmed path or truth.
So with me, I mean... the only two "spiritual" experiences I can note from my childhood are 1.) my ability to astral project and 2.) having a voice in my head warn me about my brother, who was about to scare me. At the time, though, I didn't associate the latter with a spirit. I just thought that's how psychic ability worked. And astral projection... well, I suppose technically that implies separation of spirit, but not in the way that includes seeing ghosts and whatnot. Then again, I haven't experienced AP since then, so I'm not really familiar with the process and what one comes across in such a state.
It just makes me wonder. I've been sitting here wondering if I'll ever see these things, and this thought drops into my head, as if saying "you're never meant to." I don't need to believe in separation to be able to do my spiritual work for others, because the aura contains all information about the sitter that I need to know, and it will tell me whether the sitter has "guides" around them. So it's not like I NEED to be able to see such things physically.
Does that really mean I came into this life programmed to never believe in separation? It kind of makes sense to me. I mean... I was listening to the story Vic was telling me about her "attack" and how an archangel came to help and how one of her guides was a guise for Raphael or something along those lines (her explanation lost me... haha), and I realize that Vic's life and experiences are based on her resonating with separation. I think from childhood, she was able to see such things.
But Lulu doesn't fit into that, unless there's something she's not telling me. I believe she has had such encounters as a child, but at the same time, she still DOES to this day. However, she claims to resonate with the same idea of separation as I do. So how does that work with her?
And Warrior. I remember him telling me/us that he was once an atheist. I don't know if this applies to his whole life; I mean, I think most children are completely open to spirit, so I'd be curious to see what his childhood was like. Today, he focuses on not only the separation of spirit, but the existence of demons, as well.
It's a really strange but somehow resonant thought. I would be interested in hearing the stories of many different types of people on their paths just to see how accurate this is. Well, I say accurate, but I mean accurate for me. Haha.
When I think about it, pre-programming makes sense, because if we're infinite consciousness/creative energy, and we all went into life with absolutely no direction, purpose, or guidelines, then we wouldn't have a drive for things that create certain scenarios to experience. Ooo. Adonai is encouraging this by dropping thoughts into my head... I think I might have to write a VotS post to let it elaborate.
But food for thought: if I had seen such things as ghosts, etc., in my youth, my life would be COMPLETELY different.
(I so don't want to do homework... even if it's not that much.)
Sorry. This turned out to be so long that I'm being forced to post it in two parts.
ReplyDeleteI've actually started actively pursuing information about the paranormal since I was an awkward preteen back in the late 70s. And have even been a moderator on a paranormal message board for about 4 years now. So I've actually got quite a mixed collection of stories from all over the place. And one thing I can say for certain, is that there's no one way for people to come into contact with ghosts, gifts and general whatnot from the spirit world ;)
I keep hearing from well known psychic mediums that like to claim that for a natural born medium, there's no way to turn off the ability to see spirits. Yet, I've heard of people who could see spirits as a child, who actually could turn the ability off as a child (myself included). Sometimes it will come back to them much later in life, and sometimes it will not. Some people never experienced anything like that as a child, but much later in life, they just wind up experiencing things, whether it be out of the blue, or through a particular set of circumstances. I'm also hearing that menopause will trigger latent psychic abilities in some women. And then there are some people who have gained their ability only after experiencing some kind of life threatening situation, or have reached such a state of nirvana that they were able to tap into it. Some people are much better at it then others. And some people are better at parts of it, but not all. And then there are some who will never have these kinds of experiences at all, or only much later in life when they least expect it to happen. And let's not even get into all the people who have encounters with alien life forces, lol ;)
The thing is, it's different for everyone. Sometimes it may well be preplanned out in our "life script". And sometimes we may stumble on it completely by accident. I can't tell you how many times I've heard stories from people who refused to believe in the supernatural all their lives, only to change their mind once they finally had a personal encounter themselves.
Personally, I can resonate with both theories of separation and unity. It's not impossible for them to coexist at the same time and be interchangeable with each other as well. There is no law that says they can't do just that.
ReplyDeleteBut I do often wonder the same types of things that you wonder about. I do believe that at our core, we are all the same and come from the same creative force that started it all in the first place. It's particularly evident when you look at all the similarities that so many of us do share in our lives. So much of it is so universal, but each of us thinks that we're the only one who could ever feel or experience these certain things. And yet that's simply not true, because we all have these same type of experiences where only the small details change to make them a little more tailor fit to the individual. And yet, is it not those small details that makes each of us also somewhat unique and separate?
But, I've also had too many completely unexpected first hand experiences that just happened out of the blue which shows me there is also a separation of spirit as well. So I know that, that side does exists as well. Perhaps it is like the two different sides of the same coin. One side of the coin has one picture, tells one story. While the other side has a different picture, tells a different part of the story. Yet, in essence, are they not the same coin with just two different sides?
But, if we truly are all the same, then how is it that we do not all look exactly the same? All think exactly the same? All experience things exactly the same? So in a sense, how is it that we can all be the same when we really are so different?
And that is why I believe that both separation and unity can not only coexist, but are indeed just as interchangeable as flipping a coin to see which side is on top in any given situation. That is how the teacher learns from the student. And the student teaches the teacher. How the yin and yan are no longer separate energies, but come together as a balanced "One".
Heh, that's my take on it anyway ;)
I pretty much agree with you; it's just that "identity" has been something that's been interesting me for the past month or so and I wonder what exactly it entails. I still do resonate with the balance between separation (or "distinction") and unity, but when it comes to the separation of spirit, I don't have the personal experiences to fully describe it for myself, so I'm reduced to theories that seem to pop in my head from nowhere.
DeleteActually, I think Lulu's been struggling with that, because she's been seeing various stuff like her great-grandad's ghost, yet she claims to pretty much resonate with everything I describe here. So I think she's a bit conflicted because she doesn't know how to interpret the whole "ghost" thing while simultaneously believing in unity.
And yes, for the longest time, I just went along with what you mentioned in the first post about how for everyone, it's different. Well, of course. That's what life's all about. But I'm just fascinated by this whole cause-and-effect thing, this idea of some kind of pre-programmed identity that fuels our own experiences. This theory I contemplated here isn't quite complete... it'll probably take a few days for me to be able to put it in words, because that's what a lot of information from spirit/Adonai is like. Comes in as a big dumptruck and is left to simmer until I'm able to translate it.
I do like your coin analogy. That's why I find all this so fascinating, because very few people actually dig down and dissect these parts of their lives. It kind of reminds me of the BBC documentary "Earth: The Power of the Planet," because the narrator kept referring to how "lucky" we are to have all the conditions of life come together so perfectly. As I explore more and more, I'm finding more answers for myself... it's a really cool process. But I digress. XD
*Lulu here* I think what Tri says about two sides of a coin really works for this. For me, I was one of those people who had some experiences, sensed a lot of stuff and shut down on it through my teens for various reasons. One random incident involving hearing bells from nowhere prompted me to renew my spiritual journey and since then everything has been flooding back.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that I can understand unity and the source stuff (and I am on Ev's wavelength for pretty much everything now even if we got there in different ways) but there is definitely a separation of spirit that I simply cannot ignore because I'm experiencing it right now with my great grandad's presence. I was thinking about this just now though and I had this idea pop into my head about the separation of spirit being some kind of "gateway" so to speak. That through these separations of spirit or 'ghosts' we find a way to easily communicate with the other side yet to make it less scary, a lot of people find these ghosts as family and friends who have already passed over. It can show us that there is something more and provide a mode of communication without freaking people out *as* much. I don't know, I'm still working on the idea but "gateway' definitely popped into my head from nowhere so it's a point to work from to try and make sense of this all. Like Ev said, it takes a few days to digest it all.
Oh and on a side note, if you are curious about ghosts Ev and want to see if you can experience them for yourself, come over to mine someday, it's filled with more lost souls than a cemetery ;)
Oh definitely! Cause and effect can play a huge role in everything. But I still suspect that even cause and effect can be both preplanned as well as circumstantial. For instance, I know for a fact, that I had ignored some overpowering gut feelings that were trying to lead me down a preplanned path. And I know with absolute certainty that my life today would have been completely different if I had followed my gut. But because of the cause and effect of ignoring that, it made it impossible to go down that much more preferable route anymore.
ReplyDeleteBut oh yeah, I know what you mean about it taking time to digest all this kind of stuff. I go through the same things, and still I wind up with other bits of the puzzle months or even years later. And you're right, it is such a fascinating subject because of the endless discoveries and possibilities. I suspect one could spend a lifetime trying to figure out all the answers and still be awed by the vast complexity and simplicity of it all. It is kind of nice to have other people to talk to and exchange ideas with though :)
I do believe though, that there is a distinction between "ghosts/lost souls" and spirits from the Light. And I think part of the reason why they can both exist is that it follows along with the duality of ego. If a lot of living people get so fixated on their own separate individuality, then who's to say they don't carry that with them after the body dies, and their soul refuses (for what ever reason)to rejoin the collective creative force inside the Light. That's been my experience with soul rescuing anyway. But, I've also been told by many people that what I've been seeing is only strong emotional residue left behind, because once the soul is free of the body, it automatically rejoins with source. And I have given that theory a lot of thought too. Sometimes I've had to wonder if I'm just a fool to believe that I've actually been doing what I think I've been doing, and it kind of makes me want to stop because I am just fooling myself to think I could "help". But on the other hand, even if these entities really are nothing but left over emotional residue, they're still causing problems for the living via hauntings, creating fear and draining energy. So either way, something still needs to be done about it. Guess it's still just a flip of the coin as to which side I want to put more belief in ;)