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"Habondia" - by Amanda Clark |
I do have quite a bit to do, though. For one, I have to completely start and finish my self-portrait. Then, I have to make considerable progress on my storyboards. I also have sketchbook pages to fill for illustration and one last minor perspective drawing to complete. Oh. And math homework.
So yeah. This weekend, I'll probably be in butt-busting mode - but that's okay, because I'll be practically done, and it'll just be a matter of sitting through four more classes.
Last night, I decided to take the time to meditate since I went to bed a bit earlier. I did a 40-minute kundalini-chakra dhyana, which would have been quite amazing if my back didn't start to hurt 20-25 minutes in. I'm not used to sitting so straight for long periods of time. I would focus on each chakra that the woman mentioned, but then I would catch myself hunching over a bit, so my focus was interrupted several times. I was relieved when she said I could finally lie down, lol.
I had a very... odd dream this morning. But now that I think about it, it's very appropriate after having done that kundalini medi last night. Lol...
There's been a lot on my mind. I can't wait till school's over, because I'll then have the time to sit down with Adonai and write it all out.
I was quite inspired/motivated by this girl I follow on tumblr. She runs her own spiritual shop, which I would also be interested in doing to some degree. But she was giving advice to someone who was asking about starting a similar business, and although she explained the technical side of it (not seeing a salary for about 3 years, requiring savings before starting up, etc.), she also said "follow your heart!" and mentioned that she feels so grateful for being able to put all her work into her dream. So that was a nice success story for me to hear.
Which reminds me... I hope to practice with my spirit art over break. I'm not exactly sure how much I'll actually be doing, because I have so much other stuff I'd like to do (art for myself, art for others, writing/world-building, blogging)... I hope I can squeeze in the time. Although a month and a half sounds like a long time, it really isn't. I'm going to have to remind myself to live by the day and not in the future.
On a somewhat related note, I need to begin thinking about what I'm going to get myself when I visit P&D. I plan to go as soon as school's over... maybe next Friday or Saturday. I know I would like a calendar. I also want to check out their tarot/oracle collection, and see if they have any decently priced bags for storage. A Shiva statue is mandatory. Maybe even a dragon one if there's a good selection. I just want to splurge. I deserve it.
I had a thought today... that I suspect Adonai dropped in my head. I was thinking about all the new aspects of life and existence I would like to write with it about, and this realization came to me that there's really no need to project my idea of unity onto others. Of course, I'm going to keep writing about it, because I need to do that for myself. I guess I've just been feeling a bit frustrated, because everyone around me can't seem to break away from their attachment to singularity/identity. Okay, well. That sounds too elitist. I'm hoping you get what I mean. It's hard to converse with someone who puts such an emphasis on their separation and singular self. Crap. That still sounds elitist.
What I'm trying to say is that it no longer suits my vibration. Okay, that works. I can't help what I resonate with. And I've been feeling a little frustrated and... a teensy bit worried? Only because I think of what I want to do with my future, and I think a vast majority of people who ask me for a reading enjoy separation - or distinction, as I prefer to call it. They love their identity and the whole higher self/past life/soul connection/soul group ordeal. Okay. It's not a huge problem, because like I said before: their aura will contain the info I need to give them.
So long story short, I experienced a feeling of "over-standing" today. One of those moments where everything falls into place. I guess I'll elaborate on that later when I don't have three math homework assignments to do tonight.
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