"Kinda makes you wonder: out of all the things we've hunted, how many of them existed just because someone believed in them?"
Of course, I'm now under the impression that this applies to the whole bloody universe. I find it interesting how people regard certain spiritual truths as "general knowledge." Not just in religions, but in spirituality, as well... like common ideas about guides, past lives, Akashic Records, twinflames, auras and chakras, and so on. "General knowledge" forms after one person convinces another that something is truth. Usually, the other person will accept it under three conditions: 1.) fear is involved; 2.) the other person is ignorant and can't judge for him/herself; and 3.) the idea actually resonates with him/her.
But my point is, I really do think that everything we experience is a result of belief. If we believe we're successful, then we are. If we believe in spirit guides, then we'll have them. If we believe we have past lives, then we'll have the stories to tell.
However, now I wonder: how much of this is pre-planned, and how much is created on spot? This post was inspired by a response by my lovely friend Trieah, who gave me an answer regarding my Shiva experiences that made perfect sense. I quote:
"If Shiva's the 'destroyer' of creation to make something new, then what you went through makes perfect sense. The build-up over the past two and a half years needed to reach the climax in this part of your life so that it could be destroyed and turned into something new. Your whole outlook has changed, and that was the point. You, as Shiva, have destroyed all your old beliefs, so that you could progress and become something new. But none of that could've happened without all that information leading up to what needed to be done."
I felt like I was just punched in the face (in a good way). Why didn't I think of that before? It all made perfect sense. But now... now I really do wonder if everything in our life is created by us, or if there's still something pre-planned holding us on course. When I look back on the last two and a half years, I'd say it was about half and half. Maybe even more pre-planned, because of all these little synchronicities. Hell, this summer is the perfect example. I didn't ask to find out about a life on another planet. I didn't ask for a "soul sister" who would mirror me in such a way. And I sure as hell didn't ask for a beloved guide of mine to be revealed as Shiva. And yet I can see all the threads that hold these events together, all waiting for the perfect time to reveal themselves.
Many people I've talked to on SF don't resonate with the idea of their lives being pre-planned, yet there are still others who are relatively comfortable with it, because they enjoy the feeling of "surrendering to God." I think I fit somewhere in the middle. I don't want my life to be entirely pre-planned, but at the same time, I'm comfortable with it if it is, because I'm seeing from a higher perspective. This skin means very little to me now. That's not to say I don't cherish or value my life; I mean that when it's all said and done, I'm much more expansive than this measly little skin.

I like that.
It's really cool to see how it all lines up, though. Without "Spike," I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today. Without Medium Laura and that kind older woman from SF, I wouldn't have figured out information about "Spike" that would contribute to my current understanding. Without the Eron life, I wouldn't have experimented with my own power as much - nor would I have inspiration for my writing. Without Lulu's orbit in my life, I wouldn't have faced my ego problems. Without J, I wouldn't have accepted Shiva being Spike so easily. Without any of the crap that happened in the past several weeks, I wouldn't be at this current vibration.
"Timing" was a very common and important theme during August. Lulu knows this well, too. It seemed like every question we had was answered with: "it's not the right time." So with that in mind, it's clear that some amount ("half") of our lives are pre-planned. But the thing is, I don't necessarily see it as "pre-planned," because if you take away identity (which I've pretty much done already), you over-stand yourself as Adonai, and suddenly, it's not a big deal if you pre-plan a life, because there's so much more to the universe than a measly Earth life. And no, that's not supposed to be pessimistic. I'm not taking my life for granted here, guys. I'm just saying that I no longer see myself as simply "Finny," so... this skin doesn't mean so much to me anymore. I'm everyone and everything.
I'm sure someone out there is thinking that this is bull, but I don't care. I don't care because I am you, who has his/her own vibration and truth, which I think is beautiful. So yes, as you, I agree that it's bull. But "you" think it's bull because it doesn't suit your vibration. And that's perfectly okay.
With all this in mind, I have to say I love Trieah's perspective... I already mentioned that Shiva is the face of myself that I resonate with most (so far?), and now it makes perfect sense why he's a prominent figure in my life. Remember when he popped up just a couple weeks before everything went in the trash? Yup. He was destroying my old beliefs so that, from those ashes, this new perspective was born. And as Trieah pointed out, this is the "full circle." You never restart at zero, but once you complete a "revolution" in your current perspective, the old perspective is "destroyed," and from those energies, a new one is born.
My god, it all makes sense now. And it's bloody beautiful.
So I have to give a shoutout to Trieah for putting together the final pieces of this puzzle for me.
Finny x
ROTFLOL! Girl, you ARE me. And I AM you. I resonate perfectly to what you've just said, cause I ponder over that exact same kind of stuff all the time. I think it really is more of a half and half kind of a thing. We all have certain events that are set in advance, but the road we wind up taking to get to that point seems to pretty much be "anything goes", and for how ever long it takes for us to actually get there.
ReplyDeleteI often try to get into this type of deep philosophical questionings with my guides about this kind of mind bending stuff too. And sometimes I still don't know if the answers I'm getting only pertain to my personal reality, or the collective reality on the whole. But it sure does make life rather interesting to try and figure out, LOL. I guess I just love the mental challenges of if all.
There is something that AA Michael did tell me once though, that you might be interested in. I've actually done a bunch of things that I later found out had been prophesied thousands of years ago, that the person I was told I had once been, was supposed to do. Yet I had done many of those things even before I knew I was "supposed" to do them. So I asked Michael, if it really wasn't written in my life script in this lifetime for me to do that stuff, then why did it happen anyway? And he said, "It was destiny." So it kind of seems that no one really knew at which point my original soul was actually going to do those things. Or which of the thousand other people who are also part of that original soul, would be the one to do it. It just happened when it was supposed to happen, and with what ever piece of the original soul it was supposed to happen with.
But if I really want to look into it deeper. I can also wonder if each and every multi-particle piece of my original soul, will also wind up doing the exact same thing at some point in one of their many incarnations, when it is the right time for them to actually do it. Or, does the cycle really repeat itself that way at all??? So is it, once the particular act has been done, it's finally done forever and we as a collective soul just move on??? Or is it more like an MMORPG, where the quest gets reset all over again for each person who's ever been told they were once Mary Magdalen (or at least a piece of her original soul)??? Now how's that some mind blowing stuff to ponder over ;)
I guess it all boils down to, we'll never really know the answers till we finally get back home in spirit, and when it's the right time for us to actually know the answer. And in the meantime, just stock up on plenty of aspirin, cause this stuff will give you a headache if ya think about it too much ;)
That is quite the essay, Tri. XD
DeleteI have to admit I had a little difficulty following you regarding the whole soul thing. Haha. I mean, I have my own thoughts about the whole "hundreds-of-people-think-they're-Mary-Magdalene" idea, but I haven't sat down and thought it through. The way you described what Michael told you is a little confusing... then again, you're using an idea that I don't really resonate with (pieces of soul?). I *think* I have an idea of what you're expressing, but can you maybe clarify a bit? Maybe use an example?
Haha~ sorry. It's already hard to wrap one's head around this stuff, so it helps when things are clear and concise.
Heh, sorry about that. Sometimes my train of thought just goes all over the place. I'll see if I can clear it up a bit. But remember, this is just my thoughts and in no way am I trying to convert you over to my way of thinking.
ReplyDeleteI guess I see your way of there being different faces of the same being, somewhat similar to what I currently feel is going on. Only I'm a little more inclined to think of it more like a massive, ancient tree with the main branches becoming "new" souls created by the tree trunk. So for arguments sake, lets say that Adam was the first branch to sprout off the trunk, and his branch grew straight forward. Then Lilith's branch sprouted next, but due to particular circumstances, that branch split into two different directions, with one still being Lilith and the other now being Eve. And because that branch split itself in half, the Lilith part starts growing off into her own direction, while the Eve part of the same branch grows off into her own. Of course, there are many many other main branches, or "new souls" being created off the same trunk as the tree continues to grow. And now, each main branch starts sprouting more branches as that soul now reincarnates into other lifetimes. Which in turn also helps to create a whole lineage of past lives as the twigs and leaves of each individual branch start to come in. And while each leaf, twig and branch all belong to the same main branch, or soul, they are all still connected to the tree trunk, or Source. But, we can also say, that every leaf that ever belonged to a particular branch, is just one of hundreds of tiny pieces that were a part of that same soul. And maybe that's why it's possible to have hundreds of people either claiming they were a particular someone, or being told by another spirit that they were that particular someone, because they ALL belong to the same branch that was an off shoot from the trunk/Source. In a way, it kind of is like your theory of just being a different face of the original Source. Only I'm taking it a step further by following all the individual parts/pieces that make up the same tree. So everything is still all connected, but also somewhat separate at the same time. Or, just a different face.
Back when I first started talking to Archangel Michael, he wound up telling me something that really freaked me out, and made me refuse to talk to him for almost two weeks. But I'll have to go back a bit further to explain why that happened.
(Sorry, the sit is making me break this up into smaller chunks)
About ten years earlier, I had met Lucifer in a lucid dream. I somehow knew who he was, but didn't let that bother me, because I was so knee deep in my beliefs of how not even God could put conditions on UNconditional love. So I started talking to him about how love and forgiveness are supposed to work. Not only was he listening to me, but he seemed genuinely intrigued by the concept. I didn't see Lucifer again until a couple months after I had gotten into soul rescuing and was doing it pretty much non stop, which was really opening up my abilities to sense spirits. Incidentally, that's how I wound up talking to Archangel Michael as well. Stupid me, I was so anit religious that I didn't even know about the "history" between those two. Yet there I was sitting on these marble steps that lead up to some area that had multiple throwns on it. Michael used to tell me that I had my own thrown that I could sit on, but I liked the idea of being more like a court jester who's place was to bring merry and mirth to the court. So Michael would just come and sit down on the steps next to me. Well, after every time I'd go talk to Lucifer, I'd then go talk to Michael, cause I was so darn giddy and happy about how Lucifer was actually listening to me about all my crazy ideas of what UNcondional love really meant. And I just wanted to share that with Michael, cause I wanted him to see Lucifer how I saw him. Then one day, Michael turns to me with this smug look on his face and says, "Lucifer always did listen to you." And that's when Michael told me that I was once Eve. Couple months later, I got told I was Mary M. And I fought against believing that one too ;) But in the meantime, I was still talking to Lucifer, and I actually managed to convince him to go back home. I saw him go into the Light, and even saw him sometime later in some sort of prison cell, where there was Light emanating out of his every orifice, as if he were being cleansed from the inside out.
ReplyDeleteThen about three months later, I came across a Sophian Gnostic book full of centuries old handed down stories about Mary M. It was almost like every other page of that book was freaking me out way too much, because of what I'd already seen and done. It said things like how Lilith, Eve and Mary M were all the same soul, and how it was her job to bring the lost sparks of God back home (soul rescuing). And how Mary M was the one who was supposed to even bring Lucifer back home. And that's only just a few of the things that I'd already seen and done. I'm telling you, this book freaked me out to no end because of all the different kinds of confirmations I was getting. Even looking back on my whole life, it seemed like I had been going down that exact same path this book was talking about all along.
Since you're a fan of Supernatural, I'll use the analogy of how San and Dean were freaked out to discover that there life stories had been written up as fiction novels, LOL. All that stuff I read in that book was an absolute freak me out trip!!! But I still think that I'm just one of thousands of the different leaves that happened to sprout off the Lilith/Eve branch, and I just happened to stumble across some of the stuff that, that soul is "supposed" to accomplish. But, I've no doubts in my mind that there's some kind of connection with them going on. It's just figuring it all out that's the hard part ;)
Hope that made more sense to try and read.
Well that was certainly an interesting read. Thanks for clarifying. :)
DeleteI do like the tree analogy... I would've resonated very well with that at the beginning of August. But man, I don't know... one day, I was happy to have my own "identity" and personal set of past lives; the next, I didn't resonate with it anymore. You know I'm not trying to disprove you either, though. XD
Very interesting! And what's even more interesting is that for some reason, Lucifer keeps popping up for me in these past couple of days. I might have to do some poking around because I'm not sure what his "presence" is supposed to be doing for me right now. I've always been fascinated by Lucifer - there's just something intriguing about the "misunderstood villain" stereotype, I guess. I kid, of course. But seriously... I never really sat down and considered why I'm drawn to Lucifer. Maybe because of the whole "light-bringer" thing - like Shiva being the Destroyer. Hmm.
(Lolol - you win points for the Supernatural reference.)