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"In the Beginning" - by Rassouli |
But I felt like I was on to something, so I wanted to explore it a bit. At first, I wondered if "perspective" extends beyond the physical. It's natural to assume it does, but I then thought: isn't perspective affected by personality type, archetypes, ideals, beliefs, and so on? At least here in the physical? I mean, I could compare myself to my family right now... I'm the only one of them all who is so intensely interested in modern/new age spirituality. All my experiences, archetypes, ideals, and so on have allowed me to see the world in different ways. I went from hating the world to loving it; from disliking people with different beliefs to embracing them, and so on. My mother, on the other hand, has stuck with one specific set of beliefs all her life, and thus has seen the world from that one perspective.
But what is perspective, truly? Is it the sum of all parts here in the physical? To me, it would make sense that the universe or Source energy would have many perspectives. What good would just one perspective be if you're trying to explore, expand, and experience?
What is it that creates distinction? I used to say it was intention, but now I'm thinking it's perspective. However, I'm now thinking back to that brief period of time when I didn't resonate with the idea of higher self. It would certainly make things less confusing. Where would you draw the line on "who's who," particularly when it came to things like other self-aspects being incarnated or, God forbid, soul connections? In fact, that was another thing I thought about recently... whether "soul connections" are just self-aspects. But see, that creates confusion on identity. If the SC recalled everything relating to your High Perspective, then yes, it'd be easy to say, "Oh, you're a self-aspect." However, if that SC seemed to have its own backstory - so to speak - what would that mean? That it's the projection of another High Perspective? And if so, why the connection at all?
My answer for that is simple. It's just the technical stuff that confuses me. I guess that's the problem with a perspective that accepts all realities as possible. I imagine if there are distinct High Perspectives, then infinite realities are overlapping and connecting in ways I can't even fathom.
Here's the thing, though. I'm only truly aware of myself as Evaah. Many people are convinced that when they die, they'll be taken up and "move on" to something new and different, as a different being or what have you. But I've been thinking... what if that isn't true at all? How can we "move on" to something when time doesn't exist in spirit? From Andromeda's point of view, lives are always in motion. You can't take away energy from a life if there's no beginning or end. That's a very human-oriented viewpoint... it takes the stance of someone who wants to end his/her suffering here on Earth - not someone who wants to experience life and what it has to offer.
I thought briefly that perhaps when we die, the cycle repeats itself. At least that would explain why people tend to have the "life review" thing. Maybe the "life review" isn't a review at all... just the cycle repeating itself again. After all, they say it's every thought, every moment, every decision, and so on... living your life all over again. For all we know, this could be the millionth time we've lived this life. Yeah, that seems a bit farfetched, and maybe pointless. But when you think about it, it sorta makes sense in a crazy way.
Andromeda doesn't see any lives as "ended." It has created a projection - Evaah - to explore a certain arrangement of archetypes, goals, experiences, etc. Andromeda observes through Evaah. It plans every bit of the story and then observes. But just because Evaah dies doesn't mean the story's over. Andromeda still has that book. It can flip back to the beginning and read it all over again, or skip to its favorite parts. The energy of the main character - Evaah - never dies, because it's eternal within the pages of the book.
Whew. This is getting to be a bit mind-boggling. I should probably give myself a mental break... I'm sure Andromeda will dump all the right words in my head soon enough, like always.
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